Spell, style and grammar check
The following requirements must be met:
Java 17 (or higher):
A full Java must be installed. A Java headless is not enough.
For Windows user: It is recommended to use the latest LTE version of Java 21. You can get it here: https://download.oracle.com/java/21/latest/jdk-21_windows-x64_bin.msi
- LibreOffice 4.2.4 (or higher)
- Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2 (or higher)
Note: If a version of the LanguageTool extension is installed, it must be uninstalled first.
Note: If you use LibreOffice on Linux or Mac, libreoffice-java-common must be installed.
Note: If you use OpenOffice under Windows, you must have 32-bit Java 17 installed. This is not available at java.com. You can download it here: https://adoptium.net/de/temurin/archive/?version=17
If you have problems:
The internal use of LanguageTool must be deactivated. It can be found under the following menu item: Tools/Options/Languages and locales/LanguageTool server (the checkbox must not be checked).
The correct Java version must be selected. It can be found under the following menu item: Tools/Options/LibreOffice/Advanced. The checkbox »Use a Java runtime environment« must be activated. A Java runtime environment version 17 or higher must be selected.
WritingTool must be activated as a service. The setting can be found under the following menu item: Tools/Options/Languages and locales/Linguistics/Available language modules. The »WritingTool« checkbox must be checked.
You may also want to check whether the checkboxes for both spelling and grammar are checked under »Edit«.
The directory for the log file can be found under the following menu item: Tools/WritingTool/About (or the corresponding button). In the window that opens, there is a »Open log folder« button.
Please report all other problems, suggestions and ideas to the following address: https://github.com/writingtool-org/writingtool/issues.
AI support
Note: WritingTool does not come with its own AI.
Note: AI support is currently only experimental and only tested for local installations of localAI.
The following requirements must be met to use AI support:
Access to an AI API must be available (for commercial applications this is subject to a fee).
A valid API key must exist (if the application is protected by one).
The AI API must comply with the valid OpenAI standard (see https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/introduction).
If you have problems:
- Please report all problems, suggestions and ideas to the following address: https://github.com/writingtool-org/writingtool/issues.