Spell, style and grammar check

The following requirements must be met:

  • LibreOffice 4.2.4 (or higher)
  • Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2 (or higher)

Note: If a version of the LanguageTool extension is installed, it must be uninstalled first.

Note: If you use LibreOffice on Linux or Mac, libreoffice-java-common must be installed.

Note: If you use OpenOffice under Windows, you must have 32-bit Java 17 installed. This is not available at java.com. You can download it here: https://adoptium.net/de/temurin/archive/?version=17


If you have problems:

  • The internal use of LanguageTool must be deactivated. It can be found under the following menu item: Tools/Options/Languages ​​and locales/LanguageTool server (the checkbox must not be checked). 

  • The correct Java version must be selected. It can be found under the following menu item: Tools/Options/LibreOffice/Advanced. The checkbox »Use a Java runtime environment« must be activated. A Java runtime environment version 17 or higher must be selected.

  • WritingTool must be activated as a service. The setting can be found under the following menu item: Tools/Options/Languages ​​and locales/Linguistics/Available language modules. The »WritingTool« checkbox must be checked.

    • You may also want to check whether the checkboxes for both spelling and grammar are checked under »Edit«.

  • The directory for the log file can be found under the following menu item: Tools/WritingTool/About (or the corresponding button). In the window that opens, there is a »Open log folder« button.


AI support

Note: WritingTool does not come with its own AI.

Note: AI support is currently only experimental and only tested for local installations of localAI.

The following requirements must be met to use AI support:

  • Access to an AI API must be available (for commercial applications this is subject to a fee).

  • A valid API key must exist (if the application is protected by one).


If you have problems: